Herzl’s Zionism and Settler Colonialism in Palestine Settling on Palestine as the future location for Israel, the Zionist leaders have to figure out what to do with Palestine’s indigenous people, the Palestinians. In his pamphlet, Herzl dealt with the indigenous population of Palestinians without mentioning their name and by describing the Palestinians as wild beasts who should be eliminated, “Supposing, …
Author: Sameer Abed-Rabbo
The Republic of South Africa files an Application with the International Court of Justice against Israel under the 1948 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide
The Republic of South Africa files an Application with the International Court of Justice against Israel under the 1948 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide The Government of the Republic of South Africa filed its application with the International Court of Justice instituting proceedings in the name of the Republic of South Africa (“South Africa”) …
Die Schuld endet nie: Deutschlands Beziehung zu Israel

Zusammenfassung Das nationalsozialistische Deutschland und die Jewish Agency for Palestine, die spätere Regierung Israels und die offizielle Vertretung der Zionistischen Organisation (ZO), gingen von 1933 bis 1939 eine vertragliche Geschäftsbeziehung ein. Im Jahr 1952 unterzeichneten die Bundesrepublik Deutschland (BRD) und der Staat Israel im Namen aller Juden ein Abkommen, das den Weg für die bedingungslose Unterstützung Israels durch Deutschland ebnete. …
Germany’s Never-Ending Guilt Trip

Abstract: Nazi Germany and the Jewish Agency for Palestine, the future government of Israel and the official representative of the Zionist Organization (ZO), entered a contractual transactional relationship from 1933 to 1939. In 1952 the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) and the State of Israel, on behalf of all Jews, signed an agreement that paved the way for Germany’s …