Germany’s Never-Ending Guilt Trip

  Abstract: Nazi Germany and the Jewish Agency for Palestine, the future government of Israel and the official representative of the Zionist Organization (ZO), entered a contractual transactional relationship from 1933 to 1939. In 1952 the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) and the State of Israel, on behalf of all Jews, signed an agreement that paved the way for Germany’s …

Is Israel a colonial state?


Is Israel a colonial state? Israel was established because of the existence of a European racist and settler colonial ideology through the application of carefully and deliberately fabricated myths. But unlike classical settler-colonialism, Zionism and Zionists have never maintained an umbilical cord to a mother European country nor with plans solely to exploit local natives and resources. Instead, Zionism and …

Judaism Is not Zionism


Judaism Is not Zionism Judaism is not Zionism! Judaism is a religion that was established by Moses in accordance to the Torah. Judaism forbids the organized return of Jews to Palestine until the coming of the Jewish Messiah. Zionism is a European political ideology that began to take shape and form in 1897 during the first Zionist Congress in Basel, …

Zionism: Historical / Ideological development

Judenstaat-Herzel Zionism

Zionism: Historical / Ideological development Zionism, the ideological force behind the establishment of the state of Israel in Palestine in 1948, is the product of Western Jewish cultural and socio-political conditions. As a political ideology, it is similar to other European ideological products of the time such as nationalism, fascism, and colonialism. It is derived from and based on a …