One State vs. Two States In Historic Palestine

One State vs. Two States In Historic Palestine Since 1948, it has been the consensus of the international community that a durable and just settlement for the Palestine/Israel conflict entails the creation of two states: Palestine and Israel and the return of all Palestinian refugees expelled by Israel and their compensation. This consensus was based on UNGA Resolutions 181 of …

“A Threshold Crossed: Israeli Authorities and the Crimes of Apartheid and Persecution” Human Rights Watch Report


“A Threshold Crossed: Israeli Authorities and the Crimes of Apartheid and Persecution” Human Rights Watch Report In April 2021, Human Rights Watch (“HRW”) released a 217-page publication titled “A Threshold Crossed: Israeli Authorities and the Crimes of Apartheid and Persecution.” HRW asserted that Israel is an apartheid state both within its pre-1967 territory as well as in the West Bank and …

Is Israel an apartheid state?


Is Israel an apartheid state? The short answer is unequivocal yes! But for those who are skeptical, let the record speak for itself. The following section is a comparison between apartheid South Africa and an analysis of Israeli policies and practices. What is Apartheid? Apartheid is not just a particularly bad kind of racism. The word means “apart-ness” in Afrikaans. …

Zionism: Historical / Ideological development

Judenstaat-Herzel Zionism

Zionism: Historical / Ideological development Zionism, the ideological force behind the establishment of the state of Israel in Palestine in 1948, is the product of Western Jewish cultural and socio-political conditions. As a political ideology, it is similar to other European ideological products of the time such as nationalism, fascism, and colonialism. It is derived from and based on a …